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  • Writer's pictureQueen ChannieB

It's Just Me surrounded by You

I'm standing here. In this spot against all odds. Standing here surrounded by you. I remember getting the email telling me I'd got this job and I thought surely this cant be real. Surely they've accidentally emailed the wrong person, or maybe they got the pictures mixed up from the interview day, or maybe they didn't realise I was me, maybe they thought I was someone else, that my name label was on someone else. I know what it must be. The diversity quota... Needed me to broaden the variety of people in the building. But as I stand here right now and I look around the sea of white faces, I realise... No I genuinely am the diversity in the building. And I'm cool with that. I'm pretty used to it now. It's just me surrounded by you. And when I stand here selling to you.. I wonder whether you're cool with that. Like are you cool with approaching me? Or am I intimidating? Someone told me that once that they never come up to me before because they were scared.. intimidated... When I look up to the sky and see one star surrounded by the night, I remember that against all odds that star came to be visible to me. Just as I stand here, visible to you. I'm not here by chance. This wasn't luck. I'm standing here as the stars align alongside me. This was fate.

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